
2048 Mania

A list of all the 2048 variants [Click On Name To Play]

2048 2D (Orignal) 2048 3D 2048 4D
2048 5D Devil's 2048 2048 NumberWang
Evil 2048 Bash 2048 Fibonacci
8x8 2147483648 8x8 9007199254740992 Hex 16384
Flappy 2048 logarithmic flappy 2048 flappy bird and 2048 side by side
Doge 2048 2048 AI 2048 Tetris
2048-Multiplayer 2048^0 2048-undo
LHC (2048 For Physicists) 2048 Meta Pokemon 2048
Deterministic 2048 11 243
1 204div -512
Dropbox 2048 2048DBZ 8192
Bollywood 2048 2048 3D Layered 987